Saturday, February 22, 2020

Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 13

Case study - Assignment Example Thus, it was crucial for the author to reveal the main tools that enabled this achievement for Tim Hortons. 3/ The most important kinds of information in this case concern the history of company’s development. At the very beginning, Tim Horton opened his coffee and doughnut shop in order to gain income in the off-season. Then, this business attracted Ron Joyce, who became the owner of Tim Hortons after the previous owner’s death. Furthermore, the company became the property of American fast-food chain, Wendy’s. Nevertheless, the ability of Tim Hortons to create an attractive national Canadian brand evoked the willingness to make ownership again Canadian. 4/ The main inferences (and conclusions) in this case are about the key achievements of corporate management throughout the history of Tim Hortons. In particular, the company managed to â€Å"sell itself not only as a destination, but also a part of typically Canadian experiences outside its doors.† In other words, Tim Hortons is an example of the company that pays attention to the national component within its brand. By creating a certain type of popular culture between the Canadians, it gained popularity in different dimensions of its activity, both in outdoor and indoor segments. Thus, corporate overall strategy reveals its effectiveness in Canadian business environment. 5/ The key concepts we need to understand in the case are market share, best-managed and influential brand, organization’s positioning, organizational goal, and company’s overall strategy. In fact, all these concepts are deeply interconnected in the case of Tim Hortons. In particular, the market share is the amount of market the company owns. In this context, the growing amount of market share, or â€Å"gradual expansion into adjacent areas,† is the definition of this company’s overall strategy. Then, case discusses in detail the attractive traits of

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How the simple search engine became a leader in the technology Term Paper

How the simple search engine became a leader in the technology industry - Term Paper Example Google has reported big increases in sales and profits for the first quarter ended 31 March, 2005 as web advertising and sponsored search revenues continue to grow. The search engine company reported net profits of $369.2m (?205.1m) on sales of $1.26bn for the quarter. This compares with a net profit of $64m on sales of $651.6m for the same quarter last year (Savaas, 2005) In 2005, Google joined the list of 100 most powerful companies in the world. Google’s revenues increased steadily over the last few years. Even though Google started as a search engine company, they have many other product or service portfolios such as social networking, operating systems, online books, mobile phones, healthcare etc at present. In this project I will discuss and elaborate on the changes Google has made from being a user service for search to an internet giant in terms of many different aspects of technology. These aspects range from their original search, to email, to videos, to retail, to m obile industry to much more. Analyzing the changes in the past 15 years will produce the how and why Google is one of the kings of marketing and advertising. Google’s journey towards an industry leader During the initial periods of 2000, Google realised that search engine business alone may not help them to sustain their position as an industry leader in IT industry. Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo like IT business companies raised stiff challenges to Google’s business interests during this period. Amazon was the leader in online book business. In order to seize leadership in online book industry, Google has established an online book store in 2004. In December 2010, Google expanded its online book store in the name of Google eBooks (Google Editions) and it is now became the biggest online book store, in the world. As of now Google’s book collection have already crossed the 20 million mark. Social networking is another area in which Google made its mark. Google plus is the social network introduced by Google to counter the challenges from arch rival Facebook. â€Å"Google CEO Larry Page trotted out an impressive statistic during January 2012 quarterly earnings call: Google+ now has 90 million users, double what it had three months ago. Even better, 60 percent of those users are engaged daily, and 80 percent weekly† (Brodkin, 2012). Even though Google Plus membership is extremely small compared to that of facebook, many people believe that it has the potential to beat facebook in near future itself. Operating system market is another area in which Google established themselves in the recent past. Apple was the industry leader in touchscreen phone and tablet markets until recent times. In fact Apple’s ‘I† series products such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc brought enormous success to them. Today apple is the second largest company in the world in terms of market capitalization. Moreover they are the most va luable technology company in the world at present. In order to expel apple from the top spot, Google established business tie ups with Samsung like mobile phone and tablet manufacturers. Google devised a special operating system; android for the modern smartphones and tablets. Current android operating system is believed to be the best in the industry. Its latest version jelly bean is causing all problems to apple’