Thursday, December 26, 2019

Television Drug or Medicine Essay - 1265 Words

Television: Drug or Medicine? When I was young I lived on the west side of Chicago, a place where manners were non-existent and education was something forced upon us. At this point in my life an education was just an obstacle to get over and not a necessity. Though we were constantly preached to by our parents that education was the key to success; but our teachers told us that we would be nothing. Out of twenty houses on my block, I was one of the three houses that had cable. I was also one of the few people on my block that had obtained relationships with people outside of my neighborhood. The majority of the shows that I watched were educational cartoon and sporting events. My family is huge sports fans. Anytime the Chicago Bears†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"By its domination of the time families spend together, it destroys the special quality that distinguish one family from another† (Winn par.9). This is not always true because not all families have a tradition that has been utilized for gener ations. Television can have a positive influence on an individual and his family and it can also reflect on his social life. Friendships are formed through conversation and interest in the same topics. What can help a friendship form better than that television show that everyone is interested in. There use to be a show called lost that came on once a week. Everyone would talk to each other about what happened last week and what might happen in the upcoming one. If you’re into the show your only task would be to simply talk about the show with others in order to form a friendship with them. The ability to form and maintain relationships has been increasingly seen an important indicator of social competence and adjustment later in life (Parker, Asher 1987). This can be the start of a very important relationship that can have a drastic effect on someone’s life. Although it might not be noticeable, television plays a large role in today’s society socially. Televisi on is not what is keeping relationships from forming, it is what helping create and maintain relationships. My cousin and I at one point in our lives did not see each other for almost a year. After we greeted each other because we hadShow MoreRelatedOpdivo Advertisement Analysis. Medical Commercials Are1125 Words   |  5 Pageswith them or anyone they know. These prescription drug advertisements are usually jam-packed with too much information and often leaves their audience snoring. However, the newest commercial for Opdivo (Nivolumab) recently caught my attention. Through its use of emotional tones, symbolic visuals, and hopeful tagline, Opdivo is able to capture the interest of someone suffering with certain diseases and inform them about their product. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Geothermal Energy is the Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay

Geothermal Energy: A Solution to the Energy Crisis Abstract So far, scientists have not found a successful substitute for fossil fuels that can handle both the large demand for energy and solve the global warming problem. I propose that geothermal energy is a clean, widely available, and renewable alternative to the usage of fossil fuels. In this paper, I will explain how use of geothermal resources can be energy-efficient, environmentally clean, and cost-effective. I believe that the US government should increase funding for geothermal energy research. This may be the solution to our present energy crisis and global warming. Introduction There is a call of action to solve today’s energy crisis. What we need urgently is a clean,†¦show more content†¦Fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) take up about 80 % of total energy consumed. Fossil fuels cause pollution and global warming yet we continue to use them. Our demand for fossil fuels has become so great that according to current projections, Earth’s reserves will be depleted within the next 200 years. But we do not actually have 200 years to wait. Our run-away consumption of fossil fuel not only endangers our ability to meet our future energy needs but also the environment. Fossil fuels cause significant pollution and global warming. This in turn compromises wildlife habitats and can even lead to extinction of animal and plant species. By looking at new sources such as geothermal energy, we can move towards a source that is not extremely harmful and yet still effective. Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is heat energy that is stored underneath Earth’s surface. It is mainly found at volcanoes, hot springs, or geysers. Heat stored in the hot water and steam found at these locations is captured and can be used to heat buildings or generate electricity. This energy source is renewable because heat from the earth is continuously produced. To obtain energy, you must either use hot water or steam from the source. The most common way of capturing the energy from geothermal sources is to tap into naturally occurring â€Å"hydrothermal convection† systems where cooler water seeps into Earth’s crust, is heated up, and then rises to theShow MoreRelatedAlternative Energy is the Solution to the Fossil Fuel Dilemma1366 Words   |  6 PagesAlternative Energy is the Solution to the Fossil Fuel Dilemma If the United States continues to employ fossil fuels for energy, the nation will ultimately become more dependent upon fuel imports from the troublesome nations of the Middle East, and we will continue to damage our precious environment. Since the United States relies so heavily on fuel from the Middle East, the U.S. is subject to the will of those quarrelsome nations in order to maintain our fuel reserve. A shortage of oil canRead MoreDuring the 21st century our country and our planet as a whole is in energy crisis. We have used too1200 Words   |  5 Pagesplanet as a whole is in energy crisis. We have used too many oils and fossil fuel that our non-renewable resources are running out. Oil is limited and is at outrageous prices, this result is making our economy suffering. With fossil fuel and oil as the main source of energy the people of this planet need to start looking for an alternative energy source because our fossil fuel will not last forever and fossil fuel also pollu ted our planet. This is where a renewable energy comes in. I will start talkingRead MoreEssay Renewable Resources1576 Words   |  7 PagesRenewable resources are also known as alternative energy sources. Alternative Energy is any source of energy that can be renewed (Issit). Renewable Energies include hydrogen fuel, biomass fuel, hydropower, solar power, geothermic energy, and nuclear power. Hydrogen fuel is an amalgamation of hydrogen and oxygen which is used to produce electricity (Issit). Biomass fuel is made from materials which have already been used, such as compost, and can be used to generate electricity (Issit). HydropowerRead MoreGeothermal Energy Essay1270 Words   |  6 Pages Geothermal Energy In todays world, we are stuck in a constant debate about efficient energy usage and production. Many have gone to alternative fuel sources do to the rising cost of fossil fuels and the environmental damage caused by the burning of fossil fuels. One option that goes largely unexplored is geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is not only a much more environmentally-friendly power source than fossil fuels, but the cost of installation is not significantly more expensive than theRead MoreThe Future Industry in Energy: Dropping the Concept of Nuclear Energy1209 Words   |  5 PagesThe Future Industry in Energy: Dropping the Concept of Nuclear Energy At the start of the mid 1950’s, the world was introduced to a new, alternative source of power that would revolutionize the energy industry; this power became known as nuclear energy. Since that time, nuclear energy seemed to pave the way in efficiency and supply power to countless cities around the globe. However, the past has shown that there are many major disadvantages to using nuclear energy. Today, many individuals believeRead MoreResearh Paper- Energy Crisis4176 Words   |  17 PagesUsage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2 Petroleum 3 Coal 3 Natural Gas 4 Nuclear 5 Alternatives 5 Hydropower 5 Solar Power 7 Wind Energy 8 Geothermal Energy 9 Biofules 11 Conclusions 12 Best Choices 12 Implications 13 Works Cited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 Introduction Problem An energy crisis is a situation in which a nation suffers from a disruption of energy supplies connected by increasing energy prices that threaten economic and national security. 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The peak oil crisis can be averted if we take the accurate steps in the direction of sustainable energy sources and lessen the quantity of energy wasted around the world. Nineteen million yearsRead MoreAlternative Energy Resources and Human Dependence on Oil Essay1016 Words   |  5 PagesAlternative Energy Resources and Human Dependence on Oil Introduction The modern world is fuelled by oil (Youngquest, 1998). This reality has brought tremendous changes and developments that is continuously transforming the modern period, changing its lifestyles and economies in the last 200 years. However, these changes do not only paved for modernization and development, but it has also paved for the environmental crisis that the world is now facing (Bodley, 2008). Environmental crisis refers toRead MoreEnvironmental Conservation Essay1517 Words   |  7 PagesEnergy Conservation Jessica Goode Axia College of University of Phoenix We all use energy each and every day. We use energy for entertainment, cooking, transportation, lighting, heating, cooling, manufacturing, as well as many other things. According to the Webster Dictionary (2009), energy is defined as just being active. If that is truly the case, then anytime we are doing anything we are being active and using up energy. Shouldnt we try to conserve more energy if that is the case? According

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Future of Computer Technology free essay sample

Futurism Technology continues to evolve in ways to streamline our daily activities as well as provide us with new and innovative enhancements. In the coming years, computers will become smarter, more sophisticated, more flexible, and more humanlike. These transformations will continue to change the landscape in the areas of healthcare, commerce, education, and the environment. In healthcare, more sensitive and less invasive instruments are being integrated to identify tumors in the body. These diagnostic tools can identify a growth as benign or malignant without requiring a biopsy. One potential development utilizes sophisticated software to analyze cells without removing them from the body and could potentially replace x-rays in the future. The future of healthcare testing promises faster and more reliable methods of diagnosing illnesses and conditions, which in turn will increase patient care Also throughout the healthcare industry, failure to correctly identify expectations. patients continues to result in medication errors, testing errors, and wrong person procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on Future of Computer Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Future software applications utilize the latest bar coding and wireless technologies to distinguish patients as well as procedures. The implementation of such equipment will decrease liability and minimize human error while improving the quality of care for our patients. Consumers relentlessly surf the web for the best price for purchasing goods or services. Web merchants must be up to date on current technology in order to remain competitive. The future trend in fashion marketing is virtual fitting rooms. The virtual fitting room helps the shopper find their size in a variety of clothing brands along with the ability to visualize the clothing fit. In addition to saving time and money, the innovative shopping websites will also ecrease the frustration of having to ship and return merchandise, an extraordinary benefit for busy families. The Internet is an elaborate source of education, information, and communication. The next generation of computers has the ability to surpass typical classroom lectures as an educational forum. Future learning environments include sophisticated computers that have the capability to understand ordinary, everyday spoken words in English, Spanish, Chinese, or any other major language. Avatars or on screen images appear as Einstein, Columbus, or a classroom teacher to share lectures, instruction, or to communicate at a personal evel. These latest educational tools will provide my children the opportunities to converse with students from around the world helping them to understand the value of cultural diversity. In an effort to conserve electricity, local energy companies have developed programs to remotely optimize the operation of air conditioners during times of high- energy usage. Other potential conservation advancements integrate software programs for the entire household. Templates of usage schedules are programmed to run lights, heat, or air conditioning at different intervals throughout the course of a ay based on volume or need. The potential electricity savings and its related costs provide a direct benefit to my household as well as an ecological benefit to the greater community. Predicting what the tuture holds is difficult to torecast; however, what we do know is that change will take place since our planet is on an ever-increasing quest for simpler, smaller, faster and better gadgets and devices. Technology continues to change the way we perform both ordinary and extraordinary tasks and it is exciting to ponder about its future direction and where it will lead.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


STORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA. DOPO L'IMPRESSIONISMO. Cap 1 Il 1886 segna la svolta per la storia dell'arte poiche segno la fine dell'impressionismo. Mentre l'impressionismo aveva perso la sua carica vitale i nuovi artisti cercavano sempre di piu una propria autonomia. L'attenzione era tutta rivolta a Georges Pierre Seurat con il suo quadro "une dimanche apres-midi a l'ile de la grande jatte",dove il critico felix feneon ,critico,intui la portata innovativa del dipinto tanto da coniare il termine "neoimpressionismo",con questo termine si voleva partire dalla radice dell'Impressionismo. La cosa infastidi gli artisti anziani. A peggiorare la situazione fu Pissarro che aveva abbracciato il nuovo stille affermando che era quello lo stile da seguire :dove bisognava sostituire la descrizione soggettiva delle cose con un approccio piu obiettivo e scientifico. Il termine piu diffuso per descrivere la pittura di Seurat fu Pointillisme,che descriveva il metodo a puntini attraverso il quale l'artista componeva la tela,coperta da piccolissime macchi e di colore.Seurat sviluppo un ulteriore aspetto del suo lavoro:la consapevolezza di un ruolo del tutto staccato della pittura da quello della fotografia e della resa realistica delle cose. Le figure sono immote e l'ambiente e quello dello studio del pittore dove si puo notare un quadro nel quadro . I suoi lavori successivi mostrano esperimenti di resa della luce artificiale e dei corpi in movimento. Paul Signac raccolse l'eredita dell'amico e nel 1899 scrisse un saggio nel quale esponeva la teoria divisionista. Come e evidente nella La boa rossa Signac dilato sempre piu le macchie di colore creando le premesse per il Fauvismo e l'Espressionismo,ma l'eredita neoimpressionista non si risolse in questi movimenti. (lettura dell'immagine pag 12-13) Paul Cezanne non ebbe mai la popolarita dei suoi contemporanei:i suoi quadri non hanno contenuti emotivi facili a un immediato apprezzamento. Il clima artistico del 900 nacque solo dopo la sua retrospettiva realizzata a Parigi nel 1907. Egli trascorse gran parte della sua vita in conflitto con la figura paterna che lo costrinse a iscriversi alla facolta di giurisprudenza,qualche anno prima conobbe emile zola,dove il rapporto duro fino al 1886 quando zola pubblico il romanzo L'opera nel quale il protagonista e un pittore fallito,in cui Paul vede un riferimento alla sua persona.In seguito ottenne il permesso dal padre per iniziare gli studi d'arte.Conobbe Pissarro,grazie al quale seppe imprimere una svolta decisiva a un lavoro che fino ad allora aveva dato scarsa prova di originalita.La sua frequentazione con pittori impressionisti fu breve,i suoi quadri vennero rifiutati dai salon ufficiali. A differenza di altri artisti Cezanne inizio a produrre capolavori solo durante la sua maturita,egli infatti non era un artista istintivo ma riflessivo,alla continua ricerca di uno stile personale che gli consentisse di superare l'Impressionismo.Dopo i suoi lenti esordi gli fu chiaro che a differenza dei suoi maestri cio che egli desiderava non era dipingere la visione,ma la ricostruzione logica e strutturale di essa. La sua ambizione fu quella di costruire una base formale all'Impressionismo per ricollegarlo alla grande tradizione della pittura moderna. La celebre frase che scrisse "tutto in natura e formato da sfera,cilindro e cono" sottolinea questa ricerca duratura delle forme.Indipendentemente dal modo in cui la natura e strutturata la mente umana non riesce a percepirla se non tramite griglie geometriche,per questo Cezanne dipingeva dal vero,seguendo cio che chiamava "ma petite sensation".Secondo la sua teoria la natura e impossibile da riprodurre allora occorre rappresentarla mediante i colori intesi come degli equivalenti pittorici,anzitutto bisogna eliminare i contorni i profili delle figure perche non esiste in natura ma e solamente un artificio. La costruzione del dipinto viene realizzata mediante la modulazione del colore:macchie poste una accanto all'altra conferiscono grazie alla loro differenze di tono,l'illusione della tridimensionalita. La conseguenza di questo metodo e una pittura che sembra intessuta in cui l'intarsio delle aree discrete crea una sensazione di solidificazione non solo degli oggetti ma anche dell'atmosfera che li circonda. Aiuta questa sensazione il fatto che il mezzo usato per stendere il colore sia opacizzante ,tale da impedire una riflessione fluida della luce. Ne risultano opere in cui l'emotivita e contenuta in una costruzione architettonica che sacrifica la veridicita del colore.Negli ultimi venti anni Cezanne dipinse quasi solamente tre soggetti:nature morte,figure e paesaggi.Fra questi la Montagna Sainte-Victoire,una musa ispiratrice attorno a cui si esercito la sua tensione

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

reforming the system essays

reforming the system essays There are many areas within the criminal justice system that warrant attention, but it would be impossible to formulate solutions for all the problems at once. I have chosen to discuss three problems that I think should be addressed. One is the publics ignorance of their rights, the second is community notification of sex offender arrival, and the third is the competition between prison industries and public industries. Most of the public is very ignorant about their basic rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. This is a very fundamental problem that results in the abuse of citizens by authority figures and each other. If citizens were more aware of their rights, they could better protect themselves from exploitation and abuse. There are several simple ways to ameliorate this problem. One way is to include or improve the section on basic rights in high school civics classes. The rights need to be explained in terms that the students can understand and remember. Another way to educate the public is to run community service television and radio commercials featuring a new right each week. Bulletin boards that explain rights in simple terms could be posted in schools and other public places. Personal stories of violations of these rights could be used in the classes and commercials, as well as on the bulletin boards, to capture the attention of the audience. I think explaining citizen s rights in simple, interesting ways could improve their understanding of these rights and could help them better protect themselves. The problem of notifying communities of the arrival of sex offenders is very controversial. Convicted sex offenders are required to register in a new community, but is this a great enough precaution? Some of these offenders are very deceitful and predatory in nature, and it is very easy for them to take advantage of the trusting nature of others. I think the com ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

North American Birch Tree Identification

North American Birch Tree Identification Most everyone has some recognition of the birch tree, a tree with light-colored white, yellow, or grayish bark that often separates into thin papery plates and is characteristically marked with long horizontal  dark raised lines (also known as lenticils). But how can you identify birch trees and their leaves in order to tell different types apart? Characteristics of North American Birch Trees Birch species are generally small- or medium-sized trees or large shrubs, mostly found in northern temperate climates in Asia,  Europe, and North America.  The simple leaves may be toothed or pointed with serrated edges, and the fruit is a small samara- a small seed with papery wings. Many types of birch grow in clumps of two to four closely spaced separate trunks.   All North American birches have double-toothed leaves and are yellow and showy in the fall. Male catkins appear in late summer near the tips of small twigs or long shoots. The female cone-like catkins follow in the spring and bare small winged samaras drop from that mature structure. Birch trees are sometimes confused with beech and alder trees. Alders, from the family  Alnus, are very similar to the birch; the principal distinguishing feature is that alders have catkins that are woody and do not disintegrate in the way that birch catkins do. Birches also have bark that more readily layers into segments; alder bark is fairly smooth and uniform. The confusion with beech trees stems from the fact the beech also has light-colored bark and serrated leaves. But unlike the birch, beeches have smooth bark that often has a skin-like appearance and they tend to grow considerably taller than birches, with thicker trunks and branches.   In the native environment, birches are considered pioneer species, which means that they tend to colonize in open,  grassy areas, such as spaces cleared by forest fire or abandoned farms.  You will often find them in meadowy areas, including meadows where cleared farmland is in the process of reverting to woodlands.   Interestingly, the sweet sap of the birch can be reduced into syrup and was once used as birch beer. The tree is valuable to wildlife species that depend on the catkins and seeds for food, and the trees are an important timber for woodworking and cabinetry. Taxonomy All birches fall into the general plant family of  Betulaceae, which are closely related to the  Fagaceae  family, including beeches and oaks. The various birch species fall into the  Betula  genus, and there are several that are common North American trees in natural environments or used for landscape design purposes. Because in all beech species the leaves and catkins are similar and they all have very much the same foliage color, the main way to distinguish the species is by close examination of the bark.   4  Common Birch Species The four most common birch species in North America are described below.   Paper birch (Betula  papyrifera): Also known as canoe birch, silver birch, or white birch, this is the species more widely recognized as the iconic birch. In its native environment, it can be found in forest borders across the northern and central U.S. Its bark is dark when the tree is young, but quickly develops the characteristic bright white bark that peels so readily in thick layers that it was once used to make bark canoes. The species grows to about 60 feet tall but is relatively short-lived. It is susceptible to borer insects and is no longer used widely in landscape design due to its susceptibility to damage.  River birch (Betula nigra): Sometimes called black birch, this species has a much darker trunk than the paper birch, but still has the characteristic flaky surface. In its native environment, it is common to the eastern third of the U.S. Its trunk has a much rougher, coarser appearance than most of the other birches, and it is bigger than the paper birch, sometimes growing to 80 feet or more. It prefers moist soil, and although short-lived, it is relatively immune to most diseases. It is a common  choice in residential landscape design.   Yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis): This tree is native to forests of the northeast U.S. and is also known as the swamp birch due to the fact that it is often found in marshy areas. It is the largest of the birches, easily growing to 100 feet in height.  It has silvery-yellow bark that peels in very thin layers. Its bark does not have the thick layers seen in paper birches nor the very rough texture seen in river birches.  Sweet birch (Betula lenta): This species, also known in some areas as the cherry birch, is native to the eastern U.S., especially the Appalachian region. Growing to 80 feet, its bark is dark in color, but unlike the dark river birch, the skin is relatively tight and smooth, with deep vertical scores. From a distance, the impression is of a smooth, silver bark marked by irregular vertical black lines.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Changes in Homosexual Identity and Christianity Term Paper

Changes in Homosexual Identity and Christianity - Term Paper Example This paper will look at various methods that are related to homosexuality in Christian counseling. The concept will begin with looking at traditional viewpoints and how these have altered in the current time frame, specifically with the integration of psychology and biological factors related to homosexuality. This will be combined with the diversity that is growing in the community which is pushing Christian churches to re-examine their beliefs about homosexuality. There will then be an examination of the main methods that are being used by Christian counselors to assist those who are facing the identity of homosexuality, specifically with perspectives that relate to the responses and assistance which is given. The paper will also examine alternative perspectives that relate to this, specifically which pertain to the environment which one is in, social status of homosexuality in the church and the changes which are being made. An examination of the limitations and potential of Chris tian counseling for homosexuality will also be looked into, specifically to provide a well – rounded perspective about homosexuality and how it currently is linked to growth and development in the church and for Christian counseling. The initial reaction from most Christian branches was based on the rejection of homosexuality. Many believed that the concept of being gay or lesbian was also one which rejected higher spirituality and religion and which didn’t provide integration into the main associations with religion. However, many current changes are beginning to be approached, specifically with the understanding that there are newer problems and types of social groups which are also Christian. Without approaching individuals that are in this specific area, there is the inability to create a difference in one’s life while providing an examination of deeper spirituality. This main problem has led to new ideals in Christianity, specifically by examining the psychological perspective and how it relates to Christianity. It is from this main attribute of combining both experiences that many Christian counselors have been able to find a new perspective to homosexuality and the way in which it should be looked into within society (Stevenson, 2007). The changes with counseling which occurred were not only based on the ideology that spirituality and psychology both related to the other. There were also many who began to discover that there was more to homosexuality than being of a higher or lower s pirituality. There were many churches which began to find that gay and lesbian individuals would regularly come to the church and were not condemned from the practice of spirituality because of the altered lifestyle. Other denominations began to find and discover the biological processes, scientific explanations and other ideologies from the psychology of an individual were associated with the practice of homosexuality. These several new