Thursday, August 27, 2020

AMEX vs NASDAQ - Similarities and Differences Assignment

AMEX versus NASDAQ - Similarities and Differences - Assignment Example To begin both Amex and NASDAQ are organizations that depend on the financial exchange. Both handle significant customers and direct exchanges with a wide range of trades. Both additionally manage the purchasing and selling of stocks. As respects to the notoriety, each is broadly known and benefits from their investors.While similitudes exist, the two enterprises do have clear contrasts. The significant purpose of contrast is that Amex utilizes floor trade procedure; an authority framework with a concentrated breaking point request book while NASDAQ utilizes an electronic posting of contending vendor cites. This distinction leads on to different contrasts, for example, exchange handling time (more slow on account of Amex) and efficiency.As referenced prior the AMEX is a request driven ceaseless closeout showcase, the establishment stone of which are the market creators or â€Å"specialists†. Crafted by the authorities is to encourage constant exchanging by posting cites for the ir own record or by offering the best statements on their cutoff request book, which speak to a brought together store for limit requests to purchase or sell stocks at determined rates or better. Breaking point orders give quick liquidity and their significance on the AMEX can be decided by the way that almost 88% of the volume on AMEX emerges from exchanges which the masters don't take part for their own record. In any case, experts in the AMEX are not permitted to exchange in front of breaking point orders at similar costs so their statements for the most part mirror the cutoff request book. The outcome is incidentally stale breaking point costs (in the underlying stages) after open declarations. This moderate refreshing of breaking point requests can defer updates in the best offer and ask cites.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Vesuvius Essay Research Paper Mt Vesuvius ItalyLocation free essay sample

Vesuvius Essay, Research Paper Mt. Vesuvius, Italy Area: 40.8N, 14.4E Height: 4,200 pess ( 1,281 m ) Vesuvius is praised for the solid ejection in 79 A.D. that covered the towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Quakes regularly hit this nation. The 79 A.D. emission of Vesuvius was the principal volcanic ejection ever to be portrayed in thing. From 18 detail mis ( 30 kilometer ) of the vent you could see the emission. It is evaluated that now and again during the ejection the section of debris was 20 detail mis ( 32 kilometer ) tall. Around 1 three-dimensional detail mi ( 4 three-dimensional kilometers ) of debris was ejected in roughly 19 hours. Around 1:00 post-mortem on the 24 of August a tall haze of steam and debris transcended Mt. Vesuvius and flotsam and jetsam started to fall. In the nation around Pompeii the thickness of falling residue expanded by 6 to 8 inches for every hr. The stones which contained the residue were up to 3 crawls in distance across, and fell with a speed of up to 100 miles/hour. We will compose a custom article test on Vesuvius Essay Research Paper Mt Vesuvius ItalyLocation or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page They may hold caused damages and stray perishes, and should hold, following a couple of hours, caused the surrender of rooftops. The city was instantly shrouded in complete murkiness. The inhabitants likely did non even cognize what kind of occasion was striking them, and held up in their places, believing that the shower of stone would sooner or in this manner go to a terminal. R/gt ; Following 12 hours of continuous dangerous action, an adjustment in the eruptive kineticss happened. The oral pit of the vent augmented with the end goal that nearby gas power per unit zone could no longer power up the tall debris section. The blend of gas and debris not, at this point ascended into the sky, yet in a split second fell back onto the slopes of the vent, sorting out gleaming torrential slides of hot fluxing stuff ( around 800 evaluations ) which surged rapidly down grade, destructing everything in their waies. This change in the emission demonstrated lethal to the 1000s of individuals around the vent. The Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum were decimated in an undertaking of proceedingss. The city was deserted and its area overlooked. ( Other emissions of Vesuvius. ) Mudflows and magma streams from the emission in 1631 murdered 3,500 individuals. Around 3,360 individuals kicked the bucket in the 79 A.D. ejection from debris streams and falls. . In 5960 B.C. what's more, 3580 B.C. , Mt. Vesuvius had emissions that rate among the biggest known in Europe. In 1595, diggings found ancient rarities at Pompeii and hundreds of years of ravaging followed. Archeological diggings started in the mid-nineteenth century. There are army throws of individuals in their closing minutes. Presently, a lot of Pompeii has been unearthed and it has uncovered much about how individuals lived during that cut ( and passed on during the ejection ) . ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'content ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'content/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = genuine ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http:/ ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'content ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;

Friday, August 21, 2020

3 Great Android Phones Within 10K (INR)

3 Great Android Phones Within 10K (INR) Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!3 Great Android Phones Within 10K (INR)Updated On 27/10/2018Author : Gouthaman KarunakaranTopic : Android Gadgets GizmosShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAndroid Phones have become very popular with people these days; so much that it gives brands like Nokia and Apple a very tough competition. Its a well-known fact that Android phones arent cheap and you will have to shell out a few bucks in order to buy one. In this post, I am featuring 3 Great Android Phones that are priced below Rs. 10,000 for the price sensitive Indian Market.Micromax Andro A60:Micromax Andro A60 is an entry level full-touch Android Device. It runs on Android 2.1 (Eclair) and has a 3.2 MP Camera. You also get Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity all for a  meager  price of Rs. 6699/-The best thing about this phone is that its powered by a high-end processor with a power of 60 0MHz (faster than the HTC Wildfire). Check out Micromax Andro A60 on Flipkart.Dell XCD28:The XCD28  is an Android Powered smartphone from Dell. It comes with Android 2.1 (Eclair) and has a 3.2MP Camera with 2x Zoom. It also features a powerful 600Mhz processor just like the Micromax phone we just saw. This phone is priced at Rs. 8000. Check out its page at Flipkart.Samsung Galaxy5 i5503:The Samsung Galaxy5 i5503 is a very similar Android Phone powered by Eclair. It comes with a 2MP camera and has features similar to that of the other phones mentioned above. It has GPS and works with a 3.5mm headset. Its priced at Rs. 8989. Check out its page at Flipkart.READ5 Smart Ways To Green Up Your TechI hope you liked these phones. If you can afford a bit more, Id recommend you check out the LG Optimus One P500 priced at Rs.12,500 and the HTC Wildfire priced at Rs. 13,500.

Monday, May 25, 2020

What Does A Vegetarian Diet - 1591 Words

What does a â€Å"vegetarian diet† mean? The term â€Å"vegetarian† is quite often misunderstood. Vegetarian simply means a plant-based diet. There are several kinds of vegetarian diets, defined by what types of foods are consumed. I for example am a Lacto-vegetarians which includes dairy products in their diet. Lacto-ovo- vegetarians also eat dairy products, eggs and some including me don’t eat fish either. My name is jenna and i will have been a vegetarian for three years this lent. Today. I will try to persuade you all to become vegetarian. Something my mom has told me thousands of times is that not eating meat is a lifestyle and that i should respect people s choices.There are some pretentious vegetarians out there and i think its great theyre standing up for what they believe in, but im not reciting this speech to bully meateaters. No, i do not hate you for eating meat, i just hope you all listen closely because i have some important points to make today and i hope no one is offended. I will be discussing the horrific conditions of slaughterhouses, what exactly you are eating, pros and cons of going vegetarian, and commonly asked questions. What goes on inside a slaughterhouse is something the meat industry does not want you to find out about. They like to portray happy farm animals, but we both know thats not true. In the U.S alone over 500,000 animals are killed merciless every hour for their meat. â€Å"Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. More thanShow MoreRelatedThe Key to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet719 Words   |  3 Pagesthousands of years; then why is maintaining a vegetarian diet so difficult in the 21st century? The key to a healthy vegetarian diet is knowing what to eat and what not to eat, rather than simply avoiding meat. As Hobson (2009) points out, remember, the root of vegetarian is veg, not junk. The 21st century model of vegetarianism does not always involve the daily simplicity of whole grains, pulses, and nutrient-packed vegetables. Some vegetarians reach for pre-packaged, processed foods convenientlyRead MorePros And Cons Of Vegetarianism941 Words   |  4 PagesIs a veg etarian diet healthier than a meat eating diet? Becoming vegetarian certainly has pros because of its potential health benefits. However, becoming vegetarian also has its cons because it can cause the human body to become deficient on some of the body’s needs such as iron. With that, there are many advantages and disadvantages to vegetarianism that could make or break the choice of becoming one. A vegetarian lifestyle is known to provide the body with many health benefits. According to â€Å"BecomingRead MoreVegetarian Diet Vs. Vegetarian Diets891 Words   |  4 PagesA vegetarian diet is one that is defined as a diet that includes only plant foods, and does not include meat, fish, or, poultry. There are different variety of ways in which a vegetarian diet can be classified. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians include dairy products and eggs in their diets, while lacto-vegetarians include diary but not eggs. Vegans avoid eating any animal products (Edelstein, Sharlin, 2009, p. 229). These are not the end all be all of vegetarian diets, other types of vegetarian diets are macrobioticRead MoreVegetarian Diets are the Healthiest Diets Vegetarians have a tendency to live a longer and1700 Words   |  7 PagesVegetarian Diets are the Healthiest Diets Vegetarians have a tendency to live a longer and healthier life. They have a habit of being more concerned and attentive with their diet and what they are eating. Statistics show that vegetarian diets have been adopted by at least 7.3 million Americans today. states that vegetarianism is â€Å"a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese,Read MoreMeat : The Real Cost1362 Words   |  6 Pagesboring to most people. However, to get protein and nutrients one does not need to eat meat. There is a certain stigma that vegetarians are unhealthy because they do not consume meat. A balanced diet and exercise can help obtain a healthy life, but omnivores believe a mixed diet is the only way to be healthy. For hundreds of years, people have eaten alternatives to meat to get protein and nutrient equivalents. A vegetarian diet does not mean to lose all the good flavors that foods have to offer, itRead MoreVegetarian Diets Are Considered As Healthy Diets1180 Words   |  5 Pages How Vegetarian Diets Are Considered As Healthy Diets There are number of type of meat like beef, chicken, pork and fish as well but there are also some people who do not eat any type of meat. So this type of people is called vegetarian. They cannot eat meat but also they cannot use other type of products which are produced from animals like egg, gelatin and milk. Vegetarian diet is a best kind of food which fulfills the needs of all types of people such as children, old ages and young people asRead MoreEssay on Vegetarian Diets1361 Words   |  6 Pagesheard much about vegan diets. Many people take on vegetarian diets due to religious beliefs, personal interest, ethical issues, and many other reasons. So what exactly is a vegetarian diet? Is it better for the body? Vegetarian diets can provide the necessary nutrients; as well, as reduce the likelihood of chronic diseases caused by unhealthful diet; however, if the food intake is not closely monitored it can lead to deficiencies. Then the question becomes, if vegetarian diets are be tter, then whyRead MoreSpecial Diets Assessment Task : Special Dietary Foods1193 Words   |  5 PagesSpecial Diets Assessment Task Part A- What is a special diet? Special dietary foods include products, which are specially processed or formulated to satisfy particular dietary requirements. These special needs may exist because of a particular physical or physiological condition and/or specific diseases or disorders it also may be passed from genetics. The composition of these foods differs significantly from the composition of conventional foods of a comparable nature. Special dietary foods mustRead MoreVegetarianism Is A Better Lifestyle Than Eating Meat And Meat Products1493 Words   |  6 Pagesprocessed. As people mature, they pay more attention to how food affects them, instead of how it affects the environment. Although it is a fact that everyone needs to consume food to survive, what kind of food one consumes is ultimately the choice of the person themselves. Vegans and vegetarians support both a healthy diet and environment without exerting themselves. Veganism and vegetarianism is a better lifestyle than eating meat and meat products. Intentionally avoiding flesh eating first cameRead MoreEssay about The Benefits Of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets 1539 Words   |  7 PagesThe Benefits Of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type two diabetes, diverticulosis, renal disease, and cancers are some of the few health conditions that people in the world face today. But what if individuals would change to a different diet to prevent disease and illnesses? Vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, and vegan are some of the many types of diets people can choose from today that can lower the risks for diseases and illnesses

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Color Can Effect Us Essays - 1446 Words

Based on the findings that one has discovered in life itself, in essence, color helps with the flows of life in a way that it can determines your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. In my research I gained a vast amount knowledge and from what I’ve learned; now I can explain colors in depth, with a great amount of detail. If colors were non-existent, then, there would be a very grey look upon life. Colors brings forth light, and the light brings forth living. The world displays colors for a reason and it’s very important to life. Every individual has a favorite color and the choice of that particular color be due to many reasons, one could come from wanting to relive an event you experienced that you found exciting, a nostalgic feeling,†¦show more content†¦Color therapists apply the colors to certain spots on the body called chakras. Chakras can be used to figure out what type of treatment the patient will need based on their medical condition. The types of colors needed for the treatment will be based on each color effect. Within our body, color acts as an active power influencing our state of mind. The colors are used like a medicine to heal. Color therapy can be used to cure diseases such as stress, fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, and many more. The type of therapy is a natural way of healing illnesses and one would think it’s a unique way of performing therapy. The history of color therapy came from Ancient Egypt. What are Chakras? In the Introduction to Color Therapy Section, It addressed color therapy mainly, and chakras briefly. Chakras are sources of energy that flow in a line down the median of our body. There are some traditional writings about chakras stating that there are 88,000 chakras in the human body. The word chakra in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc. There are seven chakras in the Western Culture: The crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, spleen, and root. Chakras are like your five senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. When one source of energy is blocked then we can develop a physical illness or a mental illness. Chakras are associated with colors. The crown chakra is located at the topShow MoreRelatedHow Red Effects Human Emotion and Behavior Essay1502 Words   |  7 Pagesnoticed. It follows us everywhere, and we cant escape it no matter how hard we try. It doesnt make a sound or move, it just silently hides in plain sight effecting the way we think. Colors are one of the most effective yet least thought about influences on our minds. How come seemingly every super hero has a red suit? Or why are the super villains always wearing black? Why are hospitals never painted red, and most businesses have white, yellow, and red for their logo colors? The most emotionallyRead MoreThe Effect Of Color On Your Thinking, Choice, Memory, Learning And Cognitive Recognition Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesColor psychology is the study of the effect of color on human behavior and perception. We are influenced with all sorts of colors around us. When we see red color, we get a feeling of avoidance, blue gives us a soothing and warm feeling and yellow makes you feel lively and joyful. Why it is that sometimes our moods define what kind of colors we like and also the color of the clothes we wear. Black color stands for smart professional etiquette and gray gives you a very dull appearance. All throughoutRead MoreThe Effect of Colors on Mood936 Words   |  4 PagesTHE EFFECT OF COLORS ON MOOD Introduction Got the blues. Green-eyed monster. Seeing Red. These are all phrases that we hear often. Do different colors really affect our moods? Many studies have shown that some colors make us feel calm, some make us feel anxious, and others may make us feel more cheerful. Lets take a look at some colors, their affect on us, their meanings, and some different views in other cultures. The Effect of Colors on Mood Colors and moods: A powerful mood-altering tool Read MoreThe Importance of Having a Concrete Concept in Product Advertising637 Words   |  3 Pagesentice us to buy a particular product, which means that the advertisement must have additional values compared to others. Then, it must be emphasized how the concept like target market or focusing point is clearly and surely determined is really important for marketers to give us an extra impact. In this analysis on the advertisements of two yoghurts, â€Å"Shape† and â€Å"Connoisseur†. The three points is found to emphasize the superior aspects of that product. These points which can be noticed are how to useRead MoreThe Gestalt Principles Of Visual Perception1269 Words   |  6 PagesThe perceptual process enables us to perceive the world through our senses of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. In particular, our visual system processes vast amounts of information in its environment. Rather than perceiving elements separately, our brain organizes patterns, objects, and shapes into whole forms that we can understand. The gestalt grouping principles of visual perception describe this organization as a set of principles that explain how we perceive and organize visual stimuliRead MoreThe Effects of Color on Personality and Relationships Essay1607 Words   |  7 PagesThe Effects of Color on Personality and Relationships When dealing with interpersonal relationships people’s personalities are a large part of how people get along. When you meet a new person you may say that you â€Å"hit it off† or that â€Å"you just clicked†; this is due to how each other’s personalities coincide with one another’s. People’s personalities are impacted by there surroundings. This paper will discuss how color affects people’s moods and personalities. All people are affected by theirRead MoreEssay on Color Psychology886 Words   |  4 PagesColor Psychology Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? It is a well-known fact that color influences mood and feeling in common experience, however, the field of color psychology is still not well understood. Research on the psychological aspects of color is difficult for the mere reason that human emotions are not very stable and the psychicRead More One Nation Under God Essay861 Words   |  4 Pagesorganizations prefer to ask about race, but when we inquired for our ethnic background, we should think about how and why it would be of any concern if we are considered equal under God. And when asked for ethnic background, we should wonder why the selections are merely categorized by color of skin, rather than precise nationality. How can we be equal in America, yet be judged by the color of our skin? The truth is, we are deceived by many organizations claiming equality when asked the questionsRead MorePablo Picassos Gruernica Essay examples914 Words   |  4 Pagesvisual symbolism, line, space, light and color which advocates to the observer the truth behind the subject matter of the artwork itself. The line used leads to specific images to tell the story; the space throughout the work is filled with many jagged and sharp shapes with an odd use of positive and negative space. The light and color illuminate the actual scene. Knowing and understanding how the artist uses these three fundamental tools will guide us to the meaning and logic of the artwork. Read MoreVisual Symbolism In Picassos Guernica By Pablo Picasso911 Words   |  4 Pagesusing visual symbolism, line, space, light and color which advocates to the observer the truth behind the subject matter of the artwork itself. The line used leads to specific images to tell the story; the space throughout the work is filled with many jagge d and sharp shapes with an odd use of positive and negative space. The light and color illuminate the actual scene. Knowing and understanding how the artist uses these three fundamental tools will guide us to the meaning and logic of the artwork. Pablo

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Overview of Forensic Accounting Essay - 2975 Words

Introduction What is forensic accounting one might ask? It has been on the rise lately and has been talked about for years, but do people really know what it is. Well look no more; you came to the right place. This paper will discuss the ends and outs of forensic accounting. For example, the certifications required to become one, the history of forensic accounting and many different types of crimes that forensic accounts handle. Forensic accounting is an investigative style of accounting used to verify whether a single or company has occupied with any illegal financial movement (Forensic Accounting Online, 2013). It is used to detect fraudulent activity such as false insurance claims, embezzlement, bribery, tax evasion, etc. Since†¦show more content†¦More criminals are now using computers and cell phones to store illegal activities and hide them from others. Also, since forensic accounting is so similar to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in helping to solve crimes and protecting people, both parties decided that it would be in their best interest to work with each other. The FBI works to put criminal behind bars and forensic accounts work to testify against them. Certifications Certifications applicable to the forensic accounting profession include: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Masters of Business Administration (MBA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license is the premier certification for accountants. There are requirements that must be fulfilled before a CPA license is awarded to an applicant. Requirements vary depending on which state the candidate submits their application in. A majority of states require the applicant to have at minimum 150 college credit hours. Typically at-least 30 hours must be accounting credit hours and 25 must be business credit hours. There are four parts to the CPA exam. The four parts of the exam include the Auditing (AUD), Financial and Reporting (FAR), Regulation (REG), and Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) segments. The CPA exam is 14 hours in total length. There are specialized licenses thatShow MoreRelatedCommunication And Interviewing Skills Are Important For Entry Level Accountants1228 Words   |  5 Pagesrequire students to work together culling information for the given topic, write reports outlining their findings, and then present the results or information to their respective class. These are sound skills all students need to have in their accounting toolkits, yet, in many instances their toolkits are still missing vital tools relating to interviewing which universities are not providing. A review was completed of the colleges and universities in the States of Colorado and Wyoming as outlinedRead MoreThe Career Field Of A Forensic Accountant Essay900 Words   |  4 Pagesfollowing information informs you about what must be done in order to become a Forensic Accountant and how life is as a Forensic Accountant in today’s society. Introduction I was asked to research a job in the career field I plan to work in after graduating, then write an informal report on the information I gathered. The job I chose for my report is a Forensic Accountant. A Forensic Accountant is when one uses accounting skills to investigate fraud or embezzlement and to analyze financial informationRead MoreAcc 5561986 Words   |  8 PagesSyllabus School of Business ACC/556 Version 5 Forensic Accounting Copyright  © 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description In this course, students are introduced to the conduct of fraud examinations, including a discussion of specific procedures used in forensic accounting examinations and the reasoning behind these procedures. Topics include an overview of fraud and abuse, forensic evidence, substantive procedures for cash outflow irregularitiesRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Fasb1166 Words   |  5 PagesSenior Vice President Chief Financial Officer of Reasor’s Holding Company. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in accounting from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. He was talking about what FASB is and general accounting rules. FASB is largely organized 7 members as full-time job. The mission of the FASB is to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting that tries to provide decision-useful information to investors and other users of financial reports in termsRead MoreForensic Accounting1945 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Determine the most important five (5) skills that a forensic accountant needs to possess and evaluate the need for each skill. Be sure to include discussion regarding the relationship between the skill and its application to business operations. Style is a fraud. I always felt the Greeks were hiding behind their columns. Fraud in the financial community is consistently hidden in style. Since its beginnings in the great depression, to now, the great recession fraud has undoubtedly takingRead MoreThe Writing And Job Prospects Of Accounting1221 Words   |  5 PagesThis report contains information relating to accounting. It talks about the writing and job prospects of accounting and concludes with if I think this career is suitable for me. I will go into detail on why I chose it. I looked up various websites, used a few writing centers, and watched a lecture for an Accounting 121 class and used the information obtained to provide an overview of what accounting requires and what it is like. From this information, I concluded that education is a very importantRead MoreInvestigating The Role Of Scientific Knowledge On A Crime Scene1433 Words   |  6 Pagesuse of scientific knowledge solely applies to forensic investigators which is fairly important in a crime scene examination. According to Criminalisti cs, â€Å"forensic science is the application of science to the criminal and civil laws that are enforced by the police agencies in a criminal justice system†. Applying scientific knowledge to a crime scene allows the investigator to have a greater understanding of the events that have occurred. However, forensic investigators can only perform their job wellRead MoreEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace880 Words   |  4 Pages(Zimmerman). My decision could make life so miserable inside the company that I would be forced to quit. On the other hand, if I choose to comply, I would be violating the integrity of the finances. With the growing area of forensic accounting, the illegal and misleading accounting statements will eventually become exposed. This financial misconduct could lead to potential jail sentences for both my boss and I. Additionally, my actions could lose the trust in stockholders of the company. The lastRead MoreSystem Audit12707 Words   |  51 PagesApplications of CAATs. 4) Production of audit programmes. Evidence, Issuing reports, types of reports, followup activities, assessing the audit, preserving evidence. 5) Role of audit in systems development. 6) Computer forensics: definition, the forensic process, information ferensics and its applications. 7) COBIT: Control Objectives for Information and related Technology, definition, release history, cobit framework, COBIT structure, other standards. 8) ISACA: Definition,Read MoreSecurity Policies and Implementation Week Four Lab1858 Words   |  8 Pagesapplications * Create a BCP policy defining an organization’s prioritized business functions from the BIA with assigned RTOs Week 4 Lab Part 1: Assessment Worksheet (PART A) Sample Business Impact Analysis for an IT Infrastructure Overview When conducting a BIA, you are trying to assess and align the affected IT systems, applications, and resources to their required recovery time objectives (RTOs). The prioritization of the identified mission-critical business functions will define

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cult Essay Example For Students

Cult Essay CultsThere are many types of cults in the world, cults are everywhere but you just do not see them. Every person in the world has been in contact with them in one way or another in many cases you cannot see them. The closest cult we know of is on Rice Lake called the Moonies led by Reverend Myung, where I have currently visited. Cults can be involved in churches and even are earliest religions are called cults. Cults are not the strongest groups sects are the strongest group. When you join a sect you cannot get out of them but a cult you can leave without having any problem or commitment. Sects will not let you out because many times its illegal and they are afraid that you will say something to the public. Cults sometimes are illegal to. Religious cults are in every town and village there is no definition of a cult that is accepted by sociologists and psychologist or religion many types of activities will take cult like structures, an example would be any popular trend like physical exercise this is called the physical fitness cult. Famous athletes are a big figure when it comes to cults, many times Movie stars, professional athletes will endorse a product and a trend will start, making it turn into a cult. Also people who generate beliefs of something like flying saucer, aliens or any unknown figures can be cult. In religion when people call a church they are referring to a sacred organization having a highly structured or formalized dogma and hierarchy, but also allowing a bit of flexibility about membership requirements allowing you to go to a church and leave church when you want to. Although sects are against church attempts to accommodate to secular society. Sects believe that they are protecting a true faith or belief. Sects tend to stay away from world events , and also they believe in a strong strict behavioral code and demand a commitment out of their people. The differences between cults and sects are sometimes the same. Many scholars do not make di stinctions between the two. Cults are different because they do not expect as much commitment. Many times cults do not expect couples to become apart. Cults do not last as long as sects. Many times cults survive through a decade, and also cults allow you to come and go as you want. Leaders of cults build around a charismatic leader who has a lifestyle dedicated to a specific spirituality group that they know other people will follow. The word Mormonism began as a small cult then grew bigger until it became a sect and eventually into a church. All the new religions followed the same thing by beginning small and getting bigger than becoming a church. Contemporary Cults Cults go back as far as we know of life, cults began to get bigger and be known throughout the world in the late 1960s and early 70s as people were better educated and better understood how they were formed and how they were run and people began to join. During this time Youths and middle class people began to join cult s because of the in thing to do and they felt more secure about themselves. Cults really started to fascinate people when Jimmy Jones cult began in November of 1978 when all attention was focused on the mass suicide in Jonestown, a similar event happened in 1993 when federal agents engaged in a shoot out with cult leader David Koresh. Modern cults have many different practices and many different ways of leadership. Some cults have a flexible functional leadership, like the groups in the charismatic movement coming from the mainland Christian religion, other cults have people who run and orchestrate cult events, like Reverend Myung Moon leader of the unification church. The reason people are attracted to modern cults because it puts emphasis on community and on direct experience with the divine. In cults participants often find a level of social support and acceptance that they do not find in a nuclear family. This makes and generates a sense of belonging to something profound and a feel of being somebody. People who often join cults such as this, join because they think they are getting something the world did not give them. Several factors have been looked at to figure why people like are modern youths join cults. Factors that were looked at were drugs war assignation of many unpopular presidents. .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e , .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .postImageUrl , .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e , .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:hover , .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:visited , .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:active { border:0!important; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:active , .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5789dc77b8b464e435d5a169c74bbc1e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of building EssayCults have been questioned about brainwashing people, and found it to be true. Cargo Cults Cargo cults are usually neutralist and are in it for money. The word cargo refers to foreign goods possessed by Europeans. Cult members believe that goods belong to themselves and that , with the help of ancestral spirits, the goods can be returned to them through magic religious means. Brainwashing Brainwashing is the process of deliberately subjecting people to physical and psychological hardship in order to alter their thoughts and attitudes, and actions. It also is a process of totally cleaning a mind of one set idea and replacing them by another thought or belie f. This is called to indoctrinate cleaning a thought and putting a completely new thought in mind. Indoctrinating can take place without brainwashing. There are 2 aspects of brainwashing they are confessions of past crimes or errors of the past and re-education to new beliefs. Prisoners sometimes are made to confess by lack of sleep and food and other forms of intense physical discomfort, also isolation from victims families and from familiar surroundings. Cult leaders show obedience, and humility and make other members give social pressure to the new member to make them join. And the last thing they do is make mutual criticism and self criticism sessions, which make them have a generalized guilt feeling that all people have acceptance of new ideas is again fostered by group pressure and the anticipated reward of freedom. People who have a better understanding of psychology and neuophysiology have made larger groups create extremely effective brainwashing programs. Their techniques however have been used for centuries as inquisition making people give excited confessions from alleged heretics. Religions sometimes use these methods like scourging, rhythmic dancing and drumming and sometimes inducing a trance like state in which the individual is open to conversion. In the 20th centuries, most noticeably by the peoples temple of Guyana, whose membership committed mass suicide. Mystery Cults Mystery Cults are usually in the ancient times whose members believed that by means of the performance of particular secret rituals they would gain knowledge that people in the normal world would not have and that would make a mystical union with the divine. Mystery cults make their members feel they are god and give them a feel of immortality that they cannot be destroyed. Many times in mystery cults, cult leaders feel they died and were brought back to be god or Jesus. Conclusion In todays society, cults are one of the many unfortunate aspects endure in life. Leaders of Cul ts should be dealt with in a more serious matter. Cult leaders are con-artists and are people that like to control others. Cults should be controlled to protect innocent citizens from being taken advantage of. BibliographyCDROM: Religious Cults. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc.. 1993 CDROM: Contemporary Cults. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc.. 1993. CDROM: Cargo Cults. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc.. 1993. CDROM: Contemporary Cults. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc.. 1993. CDROM: Religious Cults. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc.. 1993. CDROM :Contemporary Cults. Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc..1993 CDROM :Contemporary Cults . Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc..1993 CDROM Cargo Cults . Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc ..1993 VI