Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Color Can Effect Us Essays - 1446 Words

Based on the findings that one has discovered in life itself, in essence, color helps with the flows of life in a way that it can determines your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. In my research I gained a vast amount knowledge and from what I’ve learned; now I can explain colors in depth, with a great amount of detail. If colors were non-existent, then, there would be a very grey look upon life. Colors brings forth light, and the light brings forth living. The world displays colors for a reason and it’s very important to life. Every individual has a favorite color and the choice of that particular color be due to many reasons, one could come from wanting to relive an event you experienced that you found exciting, a nostalgic feeling,†¦show more content†¦Color therapists apply the colors to certain spots on the body called chakras. Chakras can be used to figure out what type of treatment the patient will need based on their medical condition. The types of colors needed for the treatment will be based on each color effect. Within our body, color acts as an active power influencing our state of mind. The colors are used like a medicine to heal. Color therapy can be used to cure diseases such as stress, fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, and many more. The type of therapy is a natural way of healing illnesses and one would think it’s a unique way of performing therapy. The history of color therapy came from Ancient Egypt. What are Chakras? In the Introduction to Color Therapy Section, It addressed color therapy mainly, and chakras briefly. Chakras are sources of energy that flow in a line down the median of our body. There are some traditional writings about chakras stating that there are 88,000 chakras in the human body. The word chakra in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc. There are seven chakras in the Western Culture: The crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, spleen, and root. Chakras are like your five senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. When one source of energy is blocked then we can develop a physical illness or a mental illness. Chakras are associated with colors. The crown chakra is located at the topShow MoreRelatedHow Red Effects Human Emotion and Behavior Essay1502 Words   |  7 Pagesnoticed. It follows us everywhere, and we cant escape it no matter how hard we try. It doesnt make a sound or move, it just silently hides in plain sight effecting the way we think. Colors are one of the most effective yet least thought about influences on our minds. How come seemingly every super hero has a red suit? Or why are the super villains always wearing black? Why are hospitals never painted red, and most businesses have white, yellow, and red for their logo colors? 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