Monday, May 25, 2020

What Does A Vegetarian Diet - 1591 Words

What does a â€Å"vegetarian diet† mean? The term â€Å"vegetarian† is quite often misunderstood. Vegetarian simply means a plant-based diet. There are several kinds of vegetarian diets, defined by what types of foods are consumed. I for example am a Lacto-vegetarians which includes dairy products in their diet. Lacto-ovo- vegetarians also eat dairy products, eggs and some including me don’t eat fish either. My name is jenna and i will have been a vegetarian for three years this lent. Today. I will try to persuade you all to become vegetarian. Something my mom has told me thousands of times is that not eating meat is a lifestyle and that i should respect people s choices.There are some pretentious vegetarians out there and i think its great theyre standing up for what they believe in, but im not reciting this speech to bully meateaters. No, i do not hate you for eating meat, i just hope you all listen closely because i have some important points to make today and i hope no one is offended. I will be discussing the horrific conditions of slaughterhouses, what exactly you are eating, pros and cons of going vegetarian, and commonly asked questions. What goes on inside a slaughterhouse is something the meat industry does not want you to find out about. They like to portray happy farm animals, but we both know thats not true. In the U.S alone over 500,000 animals are killed merciless every hour for their meat. â€Å"Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. More thanShow MoreRelatedThe Key to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet719 Words   |  3 Pagesthousands of years; then why is maintaining a vegetarian diet so difficult in the 21st century? The key to a healthy vegetarian diet is knowing what to eat and what not to eat, rather than simply avoiding meat. As Hobson (2009) points out, remember, the root of vegetarian is veg, not junk. The 21st century model of vegetarianism does not always involve the daily simplicity of whole grains, pulses, and nutrient-packed vegetables. Some vegetarians reach for pre-packaged, processed foods convenientlyRead MorePros And Cons Of Vegetarianism941 Words   |  4 PagesIs a veg etarian diet healthier than a meat eating diet? Becoming vegetarian certainly has pros because of its potential health benefits. However, becoming vegetarian also has its cons because it can cause the human body to become deficient on some of the body’s needs such as iron. With that, there are many advantages and disadvantages to vegetarianism that could make or break the choice of becoming one. A vegetarian lifestyle is known to provide the body with many health benefits. According to â€Å"BecomingRead MoreVegetarian Diet Vs. Vegetarian Diets891 Words   |  4 PagesA vegetarian diet is one that is defined as a diet that includes only plant foods, and does not include meat, fish, or, poultry. There are different variety of ways in which a vegetarian diet can be classified. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians include dairy products and eggs in their diets, while lacto-vegetarians include diary but not eggs. Vegans avoid eating any animal products (Edelstein, Sharlin, 2009, p. 229). These are not the end all be all of vegetarian diets, other types of vegetarian diets are macrobioticRead MoreVegetarian Diets are the Healthiest Diets Vegetarians have a tendency to live a longer and1700 Words   |  7 PagesVegetarian Diets are the Healthiest Diets Vegetarians have a tendency to live a longer and healthier life. They have a habit of being more concerned and attentive with their diet and what they are eating. Statistics show that vegetarian diets have been adopted by at least 7.3 million Americans today. states that vegetarianism is â€Å"a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese,Read MoreMeat : The Real Cost1362 Words   |  6 Pagesboring to most people. However, to get protein and nutrients one does not need to eat meat. There is a certain stigma that vegetarians are unhealthy because they do not consume meat. A balanced diet and exercise can help obtain a healthy life, but omnivores believe a mixed diet is the only way to be healthy. For hundreds of years, people have eaten alternatives to meat to get protein and nutrient equivalents. A vegetarian diet does not mean to lose all the good flavors that foods have to offer, itRead MoreVegetarian Diets Are Considered As Healthy Diets1180 Words   |  5 Pages How Vegetarian Diets Are Considered As Healthy Diets There are number of type of meat like beef, chicken, pork and fish as well but there are also some people who do not eat any type of meat. So this type of people is called vegetarian. They cannot eat meat but also they cannot use other type of products which are produced from animals like egg, gelatin and milk. Vegetarian diet is a best kind of food which fulfills the needs of all types of people such as children, old ages and young people asRead MoreEssay on Vegetarian Diets1361 Words   |  6 Pagesheard much about vegan diets. Many people take on vegetarian diets due to religious beliefs, personal interest, ethical issues, and many other reasons. So what exactly is a vegetarian diet? Is it better for the body? Vegetarian diets can provide the necessary nutrients; as well, as reduce the likelihood of chronic diseases caused by unhealthful diet; however, if the food intake is not closely monitored it can lead to deficiencies. Then the question becomes, if vegetarian diets are be tter, then whyRead MoreSpecial Diets Assessment Task : Special Dietary Foods1193 Words   |  5 PagesSpecial Diets Assessment Task Part A- What is a special diet? Special dietary foods include products, which are specially processed or formulated to satisfy particular dietary requirements. These special needs may exist because of a particular physical or physiological condition and/or specific diseases or disorders it also may be passed from genetics. The composition of these foods differs significantly from the composition of conventional foods of a comparable nature. Special dietary foods mustRead MoreVegetarianism Is A Better Lifestyle Than Eating Meat And Meat Products1493 Words   |  6 Pagesprocessed. As people mature, they pay more attention to how food affects them, instead of how it affects the environment. Although it is a fact that everyone needs to consume food to survive, what kind of food one consumes is ultimately the choice of the person themselves. Vegans and vegetarians support both a healthy diet and environment without exerting themselves. Veganism and vegetarianism is a better lifestyle than eating meat and meat products. Intentionally avoiding flesh eating first cameRead MoreEssay about The Benefits Of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets 1539 Words   |  7 PagesThe Benefits Of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type two diabetes, diverticulosis, renal disease, and cancers are some of the few health conditions that people in the world face today. But what if individuals would change to a different diet to prevent disease and illnesses? Vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, and vegan are some of the many types of diets people can choose from today that can lower the risks for diseases and illnesses

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